Website Full Optimization

$260.72 inc. BTW

If you have already tried to speed up your website but still not able to get the speed you want, then, this pis the perfect package
for you. Did you know that search engine like Google will ding your website if you don’t?
If you test your website through Google’s PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix and find a 100% score, your site is quite fast.
Having a fast and optimized site improves SEO, keeps visitors on your site, and search engines gives preferential treatment to websites that load quickly.



The faster your site loads, the lower the bounce rate will be, keeping visitors on your website. If your website is fast, you have a higher chance of
ranking on Google and other search engines over slow sites. Remember, keeping visitor on your site is positive conversion.
Luckily, we have all the tools and experts needed to solve these problems. We will try our best to give your site a +90% score that you can be proud of.

Why is page speed and optimization important?
Page speed and optimization is a very important factor when it comes to ranking your website higher on Google’s and other search engine results. If your website isn’t as fast and optimized as the highest 10 ranked pages, you won’t reach on the first page.

From research, about 92% of visitors of search engine users won’t click to the second page of a slow site.
That’s why the top 10 results will generate the most clicks and interactions.
Focusing on page speed is critical to having a successful and professional company.
After many research companies like “Backlink” carried out tests to discover what keeps a visitor engaged on a website.
They concluded that one of the most recurring factors  that helped the top 10 results rank the way they did was speed and optimization . They found that website below the average page load speed had very high bounce rates.


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